To identify and focus on Radiological issues of concern in the public domain by:

- Carrying out R&D to develop Radiation Detection Systems and Dosimetry.
- Carrying out development in drone based aerial radiation monitoring systems and methodology.
- Carrying out Impact Assessment of Radioactivity Releases (integrated with GIS support) for normal and accident conditions.
- Setting up Laboratories to map radioactivity and radiation levels across the country.
- Reviewing and updating Radiation Risk Perception, Intervention Levels, Dose Limits.
- Ensuring Security and Safety of Radioactive / Special Nuclear Material (SNM).
- Emergency Preparedness, Response and Post-Event Management.
- Medical Management of Radiation Emergencies.
- Training programmes on Radiological Safety for Emergency Response Teams / First Responders / Quick Response Teams, National Level stockholders and Public Awareness programmes.
- Setting up Virtual Reality based training programme for radiation emergency management
- Decision making during nuclear/radiological emergencies.