Nuclear energy offers a dependable option to meet a significant part of the anticipated increase in electricity demand in a sustained manner, while reducing the potential environmental concerns related to CO2 emission. Large-scale deployment of nuclear energy, however, warrants assessment and quantification of potential threats and concerns related to safety, security and proliferation resistance and optimise approaches to minimise such threats. The school will facilitate studies related to these issues in a scientific manner. The objective of the school will include:

- Train national and international trainees in different aspects of safety, security and proliferation resistance.
- Identification of vulnerabilities and gaps in the design of nuclear reactor systems and fuel cycle facilities. This shall also include identification of level of emergency planning required for reactor systems so as to decide on plant size and number of units at a given site.
- Evaluation of performance indicators in safety, security and proliferation resistance and identification of intrinsic features facilitating enhanced performance in these directions.
- Studies related to adoption of technologies that fulfill the different criteria for sustainability such as optimum utilisation of natural resources, comparative economics of different fuel cycles and reactor systems, and their environmental impacts.
- Interactive distance teaching through on-line classrooms in the key areas of nuclear power plants such as regulatory process, safety culture, radiation protection, nuclear law, etc.
- Publication of documents on findings.
- Organisation of seminars and conferences.