Shri Anupam Sharma (PD GCNEP) reviewing project status, SNSS Building, 23/03/2017
Project Director Shri Anupam Sharma (5th from Left) with GCNEP and DCSEM Engineers at site, 07/03/2017
Front view of SNSS Building, 07/03/2017
A rear view of SNSS Building, 07/03/2017
Landscaping works in progress at GCNEP Campus, 02/03/2017
A view of Guest House Block-A, 02/03/2017
Members and invitees of GCNEP AC and PIG visiting Campus, 31/01/2017
A view of the under construction SNSS Building, 03/08/2016
Under construction Guest House Block-A, 18/05/2016
A view of the under construction SNSS Building, 18/05/2016
A view of the under construction Guest House Block-A, 18/05/2016
A view of the under construction Guest House Block-A, 15/04/2016
A view of the under construction SNSS Building, 03/03/2016
A view of the under construction Guest House Block, 11/12/2015
A view of the under construction SNSS Building, 11/12/2015
PIG-GCNEP team inspecting Campus Site, 16/11/2015
PIG-GCNEP team visiting SNSS Building site, 16/11/2015
Sh Y S Mayya (PD, GCNEP) visiting the Campus site, 08/09/2015
Sh Y S Mayya (PD, GCNEP) at the Township site, 08/09/2015
Column raising in progress for SNSS Building, 24/07/2015
Works in progress for SNSS Building, 24/07/2015
A ground floor view of the underconstruction Block-A of Guest House, 24/07/2015
A view of underconstruction Block of Guest House, 24/07/2015
Slab casting works in progress for Block-A of Guest House, 20/05/2015
Visit by GCNEP Advisory Council, GCNEP Project Implementation Group and other invitees, 20/04/2015, Bahadurgarh, Haryana
Pile capping work initiated for SNSS Building, GCNEP Campus, 26/03/2015
Site visit by Project Director Sh Y S Mayya, 26/03/2015
Column raising in progress for Guest House (Wing-A), GCNEP Township, 21/03/2015
Piling work in progress for SNSS Building, GCNEP Campus, 21/03/2015
A view of GCNEP boundary wall